Web Script Expert

Web Solution for JAVA,HTML and PHP


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Seo Keywords lists for Seo service provider 2017

I have listed the best Seo Keywords lists for Seo Service Provider for digital Marketing. Following are the keywords lists which hit search engine better. 

  1. Seo Tools
  2. Seo Services
  3. Digital Seo
  4. Free Seo
  5. Free Seo Tools
  6. Premium Seo
  7. Seo Pro
  8. Seo Provider
  9. Marketing Seo
  10. Website Seo
  11. Online Marketing Seo
  12. Firm Seo Service
  13. Best Seo Checker
  14. Ecommerce Seo
  15. Ecommerce Seo Company
  16. Seo Firm
  17. Best Seo Tools
  18. Marketing Seo Tool
  19. Download Free Tools
  20. Keyword Research Seo
  21. Free Google Seo Tool
  22. Rank Checker Seo Tool
  23. Seo Check Online
  24. Website Seo Check
  25. Seo and Web Tool
  26. Backlink Seo
  27. Competitor’s Seo
  28. Contents Marketing Seo
  29. Contents Seo
  30. Online Store Seo
  31. Page Seo
  32. Offline Page Seo
  33. Seo Score Checker
  34. Website Keywords Seo
  35. Keywords Seo
  36. Seo Web Marketing
  37. Web Seo Expert
  38. Web Seo Services
  39. Seo Marketing Companies
  40. Seo Marketing Company
  41. Seo Marketing Agent
  42. PPC Seo
  43. CPC Seo
  44. Search Engine Seo
  45. Landing Page Seo
  46. Google Seo Tool
  47. Digital Marketing Seo
  48. Social Media Marketing Seo
  49. Search Engine Marketing Seo

Sunday, October 29, 2017

How to get organic Traffic for entreprenure website to grow a Business

The modern world is flooding in brands. Example: it has been completely stateside there are over twenty seven million small businesses within the USA solely; excluding the middle to massive size business those are increasing that range in every day & year.

So each Business is competitor with each other to stay alive their positions in prime by numerous varieties of selling methods, Seo Improvement, marketing, campaign, social Media marketing, Increasing Audience, using responsive website, Selecting best domain & Hosting Services, using Seo Tools, Increasing Website Traffic, PPC Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Contents Marketing, by choosing a best E-commerce Sales Platform and so on to attain their targeted audience’s attention.

Increase Website Seo and Traffic that grow your audience and boost your Business rapidly. There are four effective way to grow your website traffic. They are as follows:
  • Improve SEO
  • Find Keywords Ideas
  • Find Marketing Ideas
  • Research Competitors

Improve SEO

There is a way to improve Seo by using your most competitors’ website traffic reports. Basically focus on low competition keywords, uncover your competitor’s keywords, discover inbound link, find and fix technical Seo Problem of your website.

Find Keywords Ideas

It is important to ensure your website’s keywords. Google AdWords slogan “Reach the Right Customers with the right Keywords”.
There are a lot of Seo Services are offering Keywords Planning Services. The most famous are listed bellow which you can follow.
  1. Start UsingGoogle AdWords Keyword Planner here 
  2. Bing-Keyword Research Tool 
  3. AlexaKeyword Research Tool 
  4. SEMrush-Keyword Tool
  5. Ahrefs-Keyword Research Tool 

Find Marketing Ideas

As I said above, the current Business Platform is very competitive. Millions of Brands are trending to Internet to stand their business with powerful marketing strategies. On the other hands, online marketing has been rapidly crowded. 

So to get attention of your targeted audience you need to make sure you have effective Marketing Strategies. Top strategic marketing consultancy organization or firms can help your Company to make the necessary changes needed to boost your image, sell your products and gain a wider set of loyal customers.

A digital brand marketing consulting firm can make connect your buyers with the brands they love and trust. They will drive deep into market place research or think about a viral digital marketing strategy to hype your new products.


So, get in touch with some Digital Marketing Consulting Firms you have not already. And make sure that you are going to be consulting with them about;
  • Current Marketplace Research and Analysis
  • Opportunity Assessment
  • Trending Forecasting of Marketplace
  • Competitors Analyzing Reports
  • Brand awareness and Planning
  • Brand’s Growth analysis
  • Digital Marketing Analysis
  • And other essential Portfolio Optimization and so on
I recommend some famous brand management and marketing consultancy firm as follows:
  1. Deloitte
  2. Ernst & Young
  3. Accenture
  4. Bain & Company
  5. KPMG 
  6. McKinsey & Company
  7. PWC 
  8. Prophet 
  10. CMG
  11. L.E.K. Consulting
  12. Nielsen
  13. PwC Digital
  14. ZS Associates
Best marketing strategy not only help you to make large your Audience but also drive more organic Traffic to your Website.

Research Competitors

You can accumulate more traffic by researching your Competitor’s analytics reports. Check the lists that are your most competitors, how you do compare to them, what they are improving better than you, what you are missing out, and what size of Audience your competitor’s have and so on.

You can find a lot of Seo Services are offering best optimization on Competitors Research. They are both Free Seo Tools & Paid Seo Tools. The best Seo Tools I recommend for Competitors Research are as follows:

  1. SEMrush-Keyword Tool
  2. Ahrefs-Keyword Research Tool

Monday, May 22, 2017

How to fix data structured errors on Google search console for bloggers

A to Z guidelines to fix data structured errors on Google search console. You may find some errors in your Google search console dashboard. But do not worry for that. It will not effects your data in search engine. But it is necessary to fixing the all errors so that google's latest algorithm can crawl your data properly. And the maximum errors you will find connected with schema compatible & update. how looks like data errors notifications, see bellow image:


Fixing data structured errors is very easy like a for apple & b for ball. You may find the following lists of errors. 
  • Date modified data structured errors
  • Date published data structured errors 
  • "Blogid" & "Postid" data structured errors
  • Headline data structured errors
  • Image_url data structured errors
  • main entity of page data structured errors
  • publisher data structured errors

We generally asked by google search console (former- webmaster tools) to fix those problem for our site. If we update required issue google better understand to crawl & index our data properly. As well as it is very helpful for structured data markup. Through the structured data mark up google can shows our data in search engine in a difference and attractive looks. See bellow image to see data mark up.

Image screenshot source: google search console help

So now, for presenting your data to google search console for better performance you need to update the required missing listed above. 

Let's do it-

Date modified data structured errors in google search console

1. Go to your blog's template

2. Click on edit HTML

3. Find the code- <span class='post-timestamp'>  

Bellow of this span class looks for <a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601' itemprop='datePublished'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>

Under this above code just past the following code:

<meta expr:content='data:post.timestamp' itemprop='datePublished'/>
<meta expr:content='data:post.lastUpdatedISO8601' itemprop='dateModified'/>

Note: you will find two times of <span class='post-timestamp'>. so you need you need change for both 2 filed.

Date published data structured errors in google search console

This errors fixing is very easy. 

1. Go to your blog's settings dashboard

2. Go to Language & formatting

3. Change the time-stamp setting to <day name, month & date, year>. If you feel difficult follow the image bellow:

BlogId & PostId data structured errors

This error setting is even easy than others. 

1. Go to your blogs

2. Click Template

3. Click on edit HTML

4. Find the following code 

<meta expr:content='data:blog.blogId' itemprop='blogId'/> and <meta expr:content='data:post.id' itemprop='postId'/>

You can search for this code by CTRL+F From your HTML Dashboard. After find out, just delete it from you template. 
Note: You will find it two times. So delete both two.

 Headline data structured errors

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard

2. Click on Template

3. Click on Edit Template

4. Find the following Code: two times

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>

Than change this code with the code bellow:

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='headline'>

So finally, it will looks like:

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='headline'>

Save the template and you did it. If you need further guideline for it please read details of explanation for it by clicking bellow post. 
Note: You will find it two times. So change both two

How to fix blogger missing headline data structured error found at Google search console

Image url data structured errors

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard

2. Click on Template

3. Click on Edit Template

4. Find the following Code:

<meta expr:content='data:post.firstImageUrl' itemprop='image_url'/>

Replace this code to following:

<meta expr:content='data:post.firstImageUrl' itemprop='image'/>

Save the template you are done.

Main entity of page data structured errors

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard

2. Click on Template

3. Click on Edit Template

4. Find the following Code two times: Two times. 

<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>

Please note: this is little difficult than other errors fixing. 

Do for <b:includable id='post' var='post'> First. Just add the following <meta bellow of this <b:includble id after the <div class

<meta itemscope='itemscope' itemscope='mainEntityofPage'itemType='https://schema.org/WebPage'
expr:itemid='data:post.link' content= 'data:post.link : data:post.url'/>

than click save. Again do for <b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

 Find this again. And do the same as like first one. Past the following after <div class

<meta expr:itemid='data:post.link' content= 'data:post.link : data:post.url'
itemType='https://schema.org/WebPage' itemprop='mainEntityOfPage'

Click on save. You did it. 

Publisher Data Structured Errors

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard

2. Click on Template

3. Click on Edit Template

4. Find the following Code two times:

This step is little difficult, so do it carefully. Find following two Includable id. 

<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>

After finding them. First complete for 

<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

Bellow of this just past the following code:

 <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>

<div itemprop='publisher' itemscope='' itemtype='https://schema.org/Organization'>
<div itemprop='logo' itemscope='' itemtype='https://schema.org/ImageObject' style='display:none;'>
      <img src=' Insert Your Logo Url'/>
      <meta content='Insert Your Logo Url'
  <meta content='400' itemprop='width'/>
  <meta content='60' itemprop='height'/>
  <meta expr:content='data:blog.title' itemprop='name'/>

Note: Remember to insert your logo url mentioned in red pen. Also height and width of the image should be 400 & 60 px. If you want you can also customized the logo size. If you customized logo size, remember to alter the <meta content width here. 

After doing above Save the template and you are done. 

After fixing, re-check live Test Data in your console board. You will find all data errors updated.

[If you find any code errors, pls ask me any time. Remember to make a back up of your template before you start for editing.]

Friday, May 19, 2017

How to fix blogger missing headline data structured error found at Google search console

Google webmaster tools which currently known as Search console is the best source to check your site health whatever you need to optimize your site. If you check your webmaster console account dashboard, you find the the error like something bellow:


Click on Search Appearance category, you will find structured Data option. Here show 3 items with errors.

In your console account dashboard you will find the all link with errors. Click on any of link with error than you will find a blocked pop up window which is the short description of the error details. See the reff. image bellow:

Click on the Test live data. Than you will find something like the following:


So now I am going to tell you how to solve it. Follow the instruction given bellow:

STEP-1: Go to your Blogger Dashboard

STEP-2: Click on Template

STEP-3: Click on Edit html

STEP- 4: Find the blog 1 part from Jump to widget from drop-down menu. 


After finding Blog1 click on this. So you will find the source good you need easily. 

STEP-5: Find the following code from your template.  

Original Code 

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>

The above code means the post you create with a title that is the entry title which value it's name. But we need to make declare the item property as a headline to make it valid. Remember you will see this code two times. One is in blogs feed and another is in footer part. Better you can find it by search option CTRL+F, than copy the url of above put it in search box. You will automatically find the 2 <h3 class with markup. Make sure you expanded all code which is minimized by small icon before you search for it. 

See the image bellow to see how looks like it. 


The current class in your blogs looks like same in the image. The things you need to do change the itemprop value only. So edit 'name' to 'headline' only. 

After changing- <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='headline'>


<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>

<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='headline'>

So replace the current code you found with the above green marked. 

STEP-6: SAVE the Template. Than re-check if you did it successfully or not. This time search the code by edited item. If possible, keep a back up of your template before you go for it. If you think it is very easy to do than you may can it directly. Make sure after editing the code looks like following"


That's it you done. 

Now again, go to your Google Search console dashboard, and  test the live data again. You will find the problem is solved. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

How to solve error parsing problem for AdSense code in blogspot

After applying for the AdSense program when we try to install the code in our Blogger blogs we may face in a error which known as XML parsing. Bellow is the possible common error notification. 


[Error parsing XML, line 5, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.]

Let's shortly explain it bellow:

The error notification of above indicates blogger asking us to place a equal sign for the attribute "async" which is associated with a elements type "script"

There are some quiet difference comments on using attribute async & value for it. 

Google has used two kinds of script till now for AdSense. Before it is Synchronous and recently they have upgraded their ads unit with Asynchronous. So what are these two kinds mean?

Shortly: Synchronous AdSense ads was executing a script synchronously with a waiting time to move to another task before completing the first task. So it used to call first to the ads slot than call to the java Script. So it means that without completing the first ads on your site, another ads couldn't be called and visible to show.

By the Asynchronous, executing something randomly which means it calls to all of the slots of your site because it load the java script just once through your browser cache and happen a faster load of all ads by a smooth single calls. 

Anyway, let's we do finish the problem for installing the code in your blogs.

See the exact code bellow: 

<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

From above code, we need to make it little change just to add an equal sign of async. 

We can do it in different way. But the fact depends on website page speed.

Change: <script async to <script async="async">


<script async to <script async="async">."

So finally the full code will be like following:

<script async="async"> src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

So here we changed: <script async to <script async="async">

Now you can both of the 2 option to change it. 

Edit your c-pu id instead of-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. then put it to your blogs <head> section. Save the Template and it should be fine.